Rapid Antigen Testing for International Flights

Are you travelling? Air travel requires COVID-19 clearance. Our team will make your travel clearance process as stress free as possible.

What are the steps?

  • This will be a rapid antigen test supervised by a medical professional.
  • Your results will be available in approximately 10 minutes.
  • We will provide you with a clearance letter issues by the doctor.
  • We email you a digital copy and you will be good to go.

* Please bring your passport with you to your appointment.

* Countries can change their entry requirements abruptly within 24 hours. Please check the requirements carefully, especially the time frame to flight OR destination. While we are happy to help with planning for the date/time of the test, please understand that we cannot be held liable if a passenger is refused entry to their final destination due to a new change in regulations or if the test timing falls outside of the the required time frame.

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